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The Powerful Benefits of Leafy Greens

Green chard
Green Chard

Green leafy vegetables contain a pharmacopeia of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Whether you blend them into smoothies or enjoy them in a salad, including a wide variety of these greens in your diet can provide many impressive health benefits. 

One of the biggest benefits of leafy greens is that they're nutrient dense, but low in calories. For instance, take one cup of raw spinach. It contains only 7 calories but provides over 15% of the recommended daily intake for antioxidant vitamin A and bone-building vitamin K. Kale, collards, romaine and other greens are similarly packed with immune-boosting vitamin C, folate, manganese and more.

The chemical compounds found in abundance in leafy greens help combat oxidative stress that can lead to cancer, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. Green vegetables like kale, arugula, and spinach are rich in powerful antioxidant compounds.

The stellar stores of fiber in greens promote healthy digestion and the removal of waste in the body. It can also help lower cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar. Just one cup of Swiss chard provides over 4 grams of fiber. 

Rainbow Chard
Rainbow Chard

Cruciferous greens like kale, Bok choy, and watercress contain sulforaphane and other compounds that have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. Their

glucosinolate content may also help regulate detox enzymes. The folate in these greens help prevent certain birth defects during pregnancy.

Beyond their nutritional profile, leafy green vegetables provide antimicrobial effects. The chlorophyll that gives leafy greens their awesome colors also acts as an antioxidant and helps to reduce inflammation.

With their distinctive flavors, nutrient richness, and versatility, these plant foods are a simple way to improve the quality of your meals. Be sure to make room on your plate for these nutrition stores to promote a healthy, balanced diet. Your body will thank you.


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